Ready to Get the Best Group Deals in Town?
It is now official, has returned to the group deals game! Thanks to our easy to use aggregator, you can now find all the best daily deals for you city in one single place. You could be looking for group discounts in Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton, Ottawa, Winnipeg or any other major city in Canada and lucky for you, they are all available on our Group Deals page.
Let’s face it, Group Deals or Daily Deals if you prefer, are everywhere, and as an online bargain hunting community we simply need to offer our readers the opportunity to at least easily access the hottest offers from most of the big players in the business. Just take your pick: Teambuy, Buytopia, Livingsocial, Dealfind or any other daily deals provider — all of their latest special offers are available in our Daily Deals section.
We hope that you enjoy this feature as we are definitely excited about it. So please let us know what you think of it by leaving a comment.
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