Happy Mother’s Day!
Mother’s Day is a great opportunity to celebrate the women who brought us into this world. At PromotionalCode.ca, we’ve all been lucky enough to have loving moms and we would like to take this opportunity to wish all moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day!
Speaking of which, don’t forget to go to David’s Tea on Mother’s Day and claim your free cup of tea as a reward for being awesome.
We truly hope that you’re surrounded by your loved ones and that you’re cherishing every second of it –I love to get sappy, I know my mum reads this blog.
If you’ve stumbled upon this blog post while shopping around for a last minute idea for a Mother’s Day gift, I suggest that you have a look at this short article I wrote about 6 helpful gift ideas for Mother’s Day. Though it might be a bit late for some of the ideas, then in that case give your mom a call and tell her you love her.
Image credit: Thanks to mothers day quotes for the image
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