Learn How to Earn Harry’s Shaving Products and Razors for Free
To celebrate the launch of their new website and create some buzz around their imminent arrival to the Canadian web, Harry’s have launched an interesting promotion where you will be able to earn a one year supply of free razor blades along with other shaving related products.
Click Here to Sign Up with Harry’s and Get Free Shaving Products
Once you have signed up to Harry’s by using the link located on this page, all you will need to do is to get your social on and try to get as many as your friends humanly possible to sign up via Facebook or Twitter. That’s not too complicated is it?

The gift you receive will depend on the quantity of friends who actually sign up. More specifically:
Refer 5 friends and receive a shaving cream;
Refer 10 and get a Truman Handle razor with a blade;
Get 25 friends to sign up and earn a Winston shave set, which includes a razor, 2 blades and a shaving cream;
And if you manage to get 50 of your friends to sign up, you will receive a 1 year supply of free blades (48 blades).
Getting 5 friends to sign up may be a more reasonable objective to shoot for, but you never know, that 50 referrals mark doesn’t sound too impossible to achieve either.
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