How to Bake on a Dime
Baking is a relaxing hobby that I have recently picked up in the aftermath of a serious break up. While this is a fun and creative pastime, it can also add to your grocery bill if you’re not careful, as buying all the baking necessities and accessories they reference in cookbooks can really add up.
I learned a thing or two on the way and I wanted to help point out the ways to cut costs while sharing some helpful hints that I have picked up along my little domestic adventure. As a young single who has to pay rent and car payments, with less than adequate funds I know how we need to cut costs where we can, while still enjoying some of life’s simple pleasures. Try following these 4 easy tips to bake on a dime:
1- Try to Stick to Simple Baking Recipes
Baking blogs can make the idea of creating fancy cookies & cakes quite appealing, and can instill a desire to impress those around you with your new culinary skills. The reality is that with all the ingredients, the price tag on groceries can get quite steep. This is especially true with some of the more complicated recipes, due to the fact that it might take a baking newbie a few tries to get it right. Multiple attempts to get it perfect can translate into wasted costly ingredients like butter & sugar, which no one on a budget wants to deal with.
A fun and helpful baking blog I came across is named Bakerella. While there are some very complicated looking recipes, this blog has some simple recipes that will definitely help cut these costs and avoid some of the ‘experimental’ wastage. Don’t, however, be intimidated by some of her fancier creations; this blog is open about sharing with you the potential flops and oopsies in the kitchen, so you don’t end up feeling too bad about yourself and more importantly to know which missteps to avoid.
2- Cookies are the Best Option for the Broke or Cost Conscious
If you really want more bang for your buck, cookies tend to be the best option. They are inexpensive, damn tasty, and easy to have success with. While I love muffins, recipes tend to only create those yummy treats a dozen at a time. But with cookies, you usually have enough batter for 2 or 3 dozen cookies. You also can freeze and save cookie batter for later use. The simplicity of baking cookies speaks for itself; with cookies all you need is a bowl to mix the ingredients and a cookie sheet. It’s the yummiest way to pinch your pennies. For simple recipes and fun ideas, you might want to check out the section dedicated to cookies at My Baking Addiction’s, which has an eclectic selection of cookie recipes to choose from.
3- Baking Tools
Baking does require that you have some tools on hand such as mixing bowls, spoons, baking sheets, muffin/cupcake molds, and preferably a mixer, as this appliance can REALLY save strain on your wrist. I know that the big sit-on-the-counter style mixers can be quite pricey, so you can always pick up one of the hand held varieties instead, as they essentially perform the same function. Being that we are on the theme of saving money on all aspects of baking, here are some great links from us for some serious saving.
When you think of Sears you might just think of clothes and boots, but they also have a good selection of appliances as well. Here are some great coupons from us for Sears Canada’s online store.
Golda’s Kitchen is a cute, Canadian site which has a nice selection of specialty baking materials such as cake pops, cookie cutter sheets & other great baking props. Check out all the great discounts we have for Golda’s Kitchen.
Canadian Tire is another decent option, as it turns out this famous store has more options than just brake pads to choose from. They actually have a large selection of well priced baking tools and kitchen appliances.
4- Baking Isn’t Just for Grannies
Doing your own baking can save you tons of money in the long run when compared to buying pre-packaged treats, and also allows you to take pride in and share your yummy creations with your friends and loved ones. There is unfortunately a stereotype that precedes the art of baking. When I broach the subject of my new love for baking, some typical responses include: ‘are you an old woman?!’ and ‘that is something old people do…’ This is so not true; baking is for everyone! I must admit, however, that the idea of learning to bake became a lot more fun when I came across a fun blog called Cupcakes And Cashmere. The author and feisty fashionista has combined her love of clothes and food into a fun and elegant blog that simply cannot be ignored for both fledgling bakers and seasoned veterans alike.
This blog’s recipes section has lots of simple recipes that were actually my introduction to the world of baking. With one glance at Emily Schumann (the main writer/webmaster), you can see that baking is equally for both the young and young at heart. This trendy blog’s recipes are quite the cost saver as the cookie recipes are super easy to follow and have simple and cheaper than average ingredients.
P.S. I have been told that being good in the kitchen is a very good tool in seducing a man, but perhaps that is a topic best saved for another article.
If you have any other hints or tricks, please send them to us.
This article was researched and written by Crista P, a contributing author of
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