Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi everyone, the guys and I from PromotionalCode.ca would like to wish everyone out there a Happy Thanksgiving. Whatever way you are celebrating we hope that you are happy, surrounded by loved ones and enjoying the day.
Although the reasons why we celebrate Thanksgiving don’t necessarily touch us as directly as they once did, it is important to keep in mind that we are very lucky to live in such a peaceful and stable country where most people don’t have to worry about where their next meals will come from. So, I guess this day is really about taking at least a few seconds to realize how lucky we are and to potentially think about how we could participate in making our world a better place. Sharing a nice meal with family is one of the many things people traditionally do on this day. So maybe start there.
In need of some inspiration on what to do for this occasion? Check out these 31 frugal activities to do with kids.
How about you? Do you have any suggestions?
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