$1 Off Flamingo Chicken Chunkies and Chicken Fingers
Coupon: Save $1 off select Clorox, Tilex or Green Works bottles.
Expiry Date: December 31st 2013.
Details: Bring this coupon to any Canadian retailer that carries the Flamingo branded products to enjoy $1 off chicken chunkies and chicken fingers.
While a lot of printable coupons available online usually only require 1 or 2 steps, this one is a tab bit longer to claim unfortunately. Requiring you to submit some personal information such as an email address, name and address before you can actually print the coupon. This being said, the process will only take about a minute to get your hands on so it’s not the end of the world.
Chicken Chunkies from Flamingo come in a variety of flavours, that include plain, BBQ, Buffalo as well as Honey & Garlic.
What flavour are going for? I’m calling Buffalo.

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