Teachers Rejoice! Free Admission at Toronto Zoo for Teachers Day
This is a teachers* only promotion. Toronto Zoo runs this promo every year for Teachers, and sometimes for other people too.
Did you know it’s teachers day on Sunday 27th April 2014? Well in honour of this the Zoo is giving away free tickets (a $20 value) to all teachers. I assume it is in part a celebration and part marketing plan to get the teachers to come back with the kids at a later date.
Step 1 is to pre-register online. You can do so here.
Step 2 is to bring your I.D. when you go to the zoo on 27th April 2014
Apparently parking is $10 which is a lot if you ask me, I don’t think you should have to pay for parking as well as entrance. And of course you as a teacher don’t have to go alone, but the others will be subject to the regular fee for admittance.
Here is their definition of a ‘teacher’ by Toronto zoo “*the ones certified by the Ontario College of Teachers, Early Childhood Educators, Child and Youth Workers, Educational Assistants working in a school setting and graduating teacher candidates“. Clearly it’s not just teachers in the traditional sense that can take advantage of this offer, which is a bonus.
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