Free Woolite Samples
There are 100,000 free Woolite samples up for grabs. Are you ready to claim yours? All right, all there is to do is to click on the located below, which will lead you to the free sample landing page, and then register for this special offer. This process only takes about a minute to complete and it is the only thing standing in the way of you receiving a sachet of Woolite Dark Care or Woolite Complete. According to, it will take 4 to 6 weeks in order to get the sample of your choice.
Click here to Claim your Free Woolite Sample
I personally ordered one of these samples (since that’s what I always do) and I am actually looking forward to try out this brand of detergent. Apparently, at least that’s what their website says, their detergents are gentle on clothes, keeping them new looking for longer. Plus, I’m always curious to try a new detergent for my clothes free of charge. Worst thing that can happen is that you don’t like it and you just stick to the brand you are already using.
1 Comment
Marianne Ekubor
January 30, 2014 @ 10:26how does one apply for free sample. I just got my internet connection and am learning the how to(s)