Free Hot Sauce Samples from BADABING!
BADABING! A hot sauce company based in Los Angeles, California, is giving away free samples of its 3 different flavours. Available in three different levels of hotness: Breeze, Fire and Lighting (the latter being the hottest), you’ll be able to get a free sample of each via mail by filling a short form with your name and address at this company’s website. Just use the link located below to be taken there.
Claim your Free Hot Sauce Sample from BADABING!
I don’t know about you, but I always enjoy a nice freebie. Especially if it’s for something fun like hot sauce. I’m sure we’ve all tried Tabasco, but I think it’s cool to discover alternatives, even if it’s from a nearly anonymous brand. As a matter of fact, I think this is what makes it even more fun. Since if it wasn’t for this type of online offer we wouldn’t get too many chances of trying products from smaller brands or different regions. In this case, it’s almost like travelling without leaving the comfort of your home (don’t worry, I do realize that I’m getting a little carried away here…).
You never know, you may just absolutely love BADABING’s hot sauce. In the end, who doesn’t like adding a little bit of extra flavour to their meals? I’m woosing out and getting the not too spicy one.
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